Sunday, February 14, 2016

Waiting on my. . . BOAZ

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a young Christian lady who likes referring to herself as a DORK which simply means a Daughter Of the Risen King. With that being said, I am going to take a God girl approach on this aspect called L-O-V-E being that it's Valentines day and all [If I offend you,I'm sorry but this is ME]

If you know me on a personal level, then you'll know that I've been single for quite a while. Now it baffles me how EVERY TIME I hook up with my girlfriends and the boyfriend topic pops up,everyone looks at me and asks "soooo....still no boyfriend, I
mean it's been years now and STILL NO BOYFRIEND". Then I have to endure the awkward ,eyebrow raised facial expressions followed by me tweedling my thumbs and having to break the silence with "Man......I'm...I'm just not ready" . Now don't get me wrong, I applaud my fellow sistas that can get their groove back in the dating pool but that just isn't me. So allow me to set the record straight to my girls:

See, I'm a different kinda sista....
The old school type...

The one that told herself that the NEXT guy I date, I'm probably going to marry. See I never liked the process, it was either NOW OR NEVER, if I dated you, I wanted to see a future IN YOU, guess that's why when the fairy tale endings got blurred, I got hurt.

So I decided that I was going to stop dancing with guys and learn to DANCE WITH GOD.

I needed to not only TRUST that He was re-writing my love story but I needed to understand why He fearfully and wonderfully made me. See He calls me DIVINE in the first place and I needed to know WHY

And so the waiting began (Impatient as I am)

 I placed my worth in the hands of another human, 1 too many times, so why was I surprised that he dropped it, every time. Countless times He'd say "Do not awaken love before its time" but being the stubborn soul that I am,I couldn't wait. I mean my friends were dating the loves of their lives and here I was, the third wheel on the 'crew love'. See I took waiting as punishment, some sort of sign that was telling me that maybe cats and wine would be my partner for life.
But that wasn't the case...

I needed to love the parts that no one claps for, the tummy that jiggled when I laughed,the breathed sigh when I don't get my way or my hopeless lack of direction.It's those unscripted moments that will probably take the-heart-that's-meant-to-love-me's breath away.

I needed to love those slightly embarrassing traits while letting God mould me so I too can be that God-fearing Proverbs 31 woman that Ruth was to her Boaz.

And even if I don't end up with a Boaz, I needed to know WHO I AM and know that IT'S ENOUGH.

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