There is something about the beginning of the year that brings forth hope, a chance to close a chapter and begin a new one like the good old saying "new year,new me". However, somewhere along the year, the new chapter becomes bumpy,a little rocky and we tend to lose our way, resorting back to old habits.
Call me out on this but let's face it, resorting back to our comfort zone is always the easiest thing to do, be it in
work, a new venture and the ever so dreadful 'healthy lifestyle'. When things get a little too hard,gym becomes a drag or even when the "no's" become a little too familiar, we shrug our shoulders, throw in the towel and simply go back to the ways things used to be because " this year isn't my year so I'll try again next year". See the thing is we THINK we have time that's why it's so easy to say " I'll try again next year" but whether we like it or not,time is ticking so we can either ride this roller-coaster we call LIFE or wave on as life passes us by because comfortable as the comfort-zone is, NOTHING and I mean NOTHING GROWS THERE.
Now you ask, how does one stay positive when it all goes wrong or even when things go stagnant? Well it's simply:
Upon my endless quote readings on social media, I happen to come across a quote about keeping a jar and filling it with little notes about the things that you are grateful for or even something that made you smile throughout the day.It does not have to be something grand, it can be something as simply as "got a smile from a stranger"
The point of the gratitude jar is to reinforce the spirit of thankfulness. Life has a way of knocking us upside the head sometimes allowing us to only see the negative in every situation, so much so that we tend to miss
the silver lining in the cloud. In the gratitude jar, everyday is seen as a new day to take a risk, better yourself but more so conquer it all.. The jar not only reinforces the spirit of thankfulness but also reminds us of the strength we possess given that if we could go through all that we went through and STILL remain standing strong then clearly we can push through and make it through yet another day.
The Secret said it best when the book mentioned that " we may not realize what our innermost thoughts are,but we can see what we have been
thinking on every subject by looking at what has manifested in our life.The good news is, what has been done can be undone .What has been created can be recreated." It is in the gratitude jar that we are able to alter our thoughts,see a blessing in every situation given that "You must become a magnet of whatever it is that you want, to bring it to you. Magnet comes first-manifestation is second"
Above all, the jar is simply a way of reminding yourself of life's little rewards even when the road gets a little bumpy along the way. So.....'start' the year with a jar and end it with a heart full of gratitude <3
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